Endoscope Endoscopy Endoscopy Systems Olympus® Pentax® Fujinon® Gastroscopes Colonoscopes Sigmoidoscopes Bronchoscopes Nasopharyngoscopes Endoscopie Endoskop Endoscopia Gastroscopes GIF100 GIF130 GIFQ140 GIFQ30 FG29V FG29W EG2940 EG2930K EG2940K GIFXQ40 GIFV2 GIFQ145 GIFXK200 GIFQ240 FG100F EG250HR EG450HR EG200FP GIFP20 ENFP ENFP2 ENFP3 GIFPQ20 EG2700 GIFP30 GIFP140 GIFXQ240 GIF160 GIFXP20 UGIPE7 FG24X GIFXP20 FG23H EG2430 BFP10 BFP200 BFP20D BFP30 GIFP20 GIFXP20 BROYL2 BROYP FB10H BF3C30 GIFPQ20 UGIPE7 BROY3S BF10 NAPLS BFN20 EG2700 FG24X BF20 BFP10 NAPP3 FB10X GIFP30 GIFXP20 BF20D BFP20 NAPL FNL10 GIFP140 FG23H BF1T10 FB15H NAPF GIFXQ240 EG2430 BF2TR ENFL URFP2 GIF160 FB19H FNL15S ENFP2 ENFP3 ENFP4 CHFT20 CYF2 HYSF BFP200 HYSR BFP240 HYSP GIFN 30ENTT3 CHFN30 CHFB20 FB15X FB18X CF1T10L CFP20 ED7XL2 GIFQ20 GIFXQ20 CF1T20L CFP20S EGCT2 GIF1T100 GIF100 CF10L DUOXT FD7XL2 JF1T20 FG27X CF20L EG3800 EC3400 UGIF7 UGIFP7 CF20HL FG38TH GIF1TV10 EG7HR2 EG7FP3 CF1T10L GIF2T100 JF100 GIF1T20 FG29X CF100L OSF JF1T30 FG34X GIFXQ140 CF140L OSF2 UGIG2 ED3400 GIFQ140 CFQ140L TJF20 GIF1T30 UGIF4 GIFQ30 CF1T100L TJF130 GIF1T140 GIF1T30 FG29V CF100TL TJF240 GIFQ160Z GIFK20 FG29W CF130S CFQ240I GIF1T240 GIFXK20 EG2940 CF30L CF240L EC200MP PCF100 EG2930K CF100I OSF3 EC3440F PCF140L EG2940K CFQ140L TJF30 EC3430FK JF130 CLK3 CLK4 CLE10 CV1 CV100 CV140 CV160 CLVU20 CLVU40 CV200 GIFXQ40 COLL4 TJF240 EC3440FK VSB3440 GIFV2 COLLT2 CFQ240I ED3440 FS34V GIFQ145 EVCHL CF240L ED3440T FS34W GIFXK200 EC7LR2 ED3430K GIFQ240 EC310HL ED3430TK FG100FP EC310LT ED3440TK EG250HR EC200LR FC34FX EG450HR EC3801L EG200FP ED7XT2 TJF30 SIGE4 SIGET2 GIFXT30 GIF200Z CF40I CF1T20I CF40L CF1T20L CFVI CFVL CFQ14I CFQ145L CFQ160I CFQ160L CFQ160ZI CFQ160ZL CFQ160AI CFQ160AL CF1T140I CF1T140L CF200S CF200Z CFQ240I CF240L CF1T200L CF2T160I CF2T160L CF2T200 CFQ240I EC200MT GIFSCL2 CF140S GFUM20 EC410HM EC410CM EC410HI EC410HL ED410XT ES3840 ES3830K ES3840K FC38MV FC38FV FC38LV FC38FV2 FC38MW FC38FW FC38LW FC38MW FC38FW FC38LW FC38FW2 EG3840T EC3840M EC3840F EC3840L EC3840M2 EC3840F2 EC3840TL EG3840T EC3830MK EC3830FK EC3830LK EC3830MK2 EC3830FK2 EC3830LZ EC3840MK EC3840FK EC3840LK EC3840MK2 EC3840FK2 EC3840TFK










Choosing veterinary endoscopes, scopes for animals, best endoscopes for equine, horses, dogs, endoscopes for cats, bird endoscopy systems:


Choosing a Vet Scope !

When purchasing a Veterinary Endoscope, you need to provide this info:
> 1. What is the smallest diameter hole or cavity you plan
on using for patients?
> 2. What is the depth of that cavity or how deep do
you need to go?
> 3. Do you need the ability to articulate (move) the head of the scope probe
> up/down?
> and/or left/right?
> 4. What are your budget expectations?


What endoscopy procedures do you need to perform?

GI endoscopy, laparoscopy, bronchoscopy, otoscopy ?

on large animals, small animals, birds or exotics

What Diameter of scope is best for your practice?

What is best length of scope to use for multiple patients?

Fiberscope or Videoscope?

What Costs can you afford?

You can Lease or Rent Endoscopes !



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Exotic / Avian Patients

Birds exotic animals:


1.7mm diameter, 18cm length

1.7mm diameter, 30cm length


3mm Tip x 12" Ear Otoscope


Feline Cat Patients



 Ideal Sizes:



1.7mm diameter, 30cm length

4mm diameter, 55cm length

5.9mm diameter, 55cm length, 1.0mm  biopsy forcep diameter

Video Vetscope 6.2mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.0mm  biopsy forcep dia


12mm x 12" Ear Otoscope





Swallowed Pennies

Patient with anemia as the zinc in the pennies causes red blood cells to explode.  The pennies are easily removed endoscopically.


Canine Dog Patients

 Ideal Sizes:



4mm diameter, 55cm length

5.9mm diameter, 55cm length, 1.0mm  biopsy forcep diameter

 7.9mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.7mm  biopsy forcep diameter


Video Vetscope 8.5mm diameter, 150cm length, 1.0mm  biopsy forcep diameter

Video Vetscope 9.5mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.8mm  biopsy forcep diameter

8mm x 13" Video Catheter

12mm x 12" Ear Otoscope





 Equine Horse Patients

 Ideal Sizes:


Upper Respiratory for a horse

 7.9mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.7mm  biopsy forcep diameter

 9.8mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.7mm  biopsy forcep diameter

 12.8mm diameter, 3M length, 3.8mm biopsy forcep diameter Video System

Video Vetscope 8.5mm diameter, 150cm length, 1.0mm  biopsy forcep diameter

Video Vetscope 9.8mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.8mm  biopsy forcep diameter

Video Vetscope 12.5mm diameter, 3 meters length, 3.2mm  biopsy forcep diameter


1800PVS9150 9.5mm x 150cm!
( Equine Airway inspection )


1800PVS3M 12.8mm x 3 meters!
( Semi Portable Equine AC Powered )


Olympus 150cm / 3 meter VideoScope Conversions!

12mm x 12" Ear Otoscope



Exotics Patients:

 Ideal Sizes:



4mm diameter, 55cm length

5.9mm diameter, 55cm length, 1.0mm  biopsy forcep diameter

 7.9mm diameter, 150cm length, 2.7mm  biopsy forcep diameter



this just in!


1800Endoscope.com LLC
7322 Manatee Ave. West #265
Bradenton, FL. 34209 USA
+ 941 209 8276 SMS / Text!

We do not guarantee that scopes on this
page are available, list updated daily!!





We sell New and Used Endoscopes and are not associated or affiliated in any way with; Olympus® Inc., Pentax® Inc., Fujinon® Inc ( FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A.), Machida®, Storz® Inc®. All product names and images on our webpages are trademarks or registered ® trademarks of their respective holders, Including Olympus® Inc.,
 Pentax® Inc., Fujinon® Inc ( FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A.), Storz® Inc®. **Prices Subject to change without notice. 

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1800Endoscope.com LLC
7322 Manatee Ave. West #265
Bradenton, FL. 34209 USA
+ 941 209 8276 SMS / Text!